The Big Green Parenting Experiment

raising a healthy family in a toxic world

the big green 365 challenge

Here it is, loyal followers! The moment you’ve all been waiting for. Ok… maybe it’s the moment only I‘ve been waiting for. In any event, it’s time to reveal the big green 365 challenge!

I have been participating in my own little ‘365 challenge’ of sorts since my little girl was born. I love snapping a new picture of her every day. This challenge presents a little twist on that concept. I have been taking part in the famous #FMSPhotoADay for the past few months and it has really inspired me to finally do this! I am excited to share my pics with you and to see what you all come up with!

If you’re familiar with FatMumSlim’s challenge, this one will be similar. Each month you will be given an inspiration list to guide your daily captures. My challenge will differ in that each month will have a unqiue theme and will essentially tell a story through your pictures. I’ve structured things this way to keep it interesting and exciting for all who participate! Just to be clear, I am challenging you to a full year in pics! Yes, 365 pics (hence the ‘365 challenge’)! I know you can do it! And how great will it be to have a daily pic to look back on at the end of the year? It will essentially be your own personal story that was 2013. You can find the challenge inspiration here each month so feel free to follow along with the big green parenting experiment. You can also find updates on twitter, @bgpexperiment.

We will share our photos on instagram, marked with the hashtag #biggreen365 to make it easy to view each others pics.

You are welcome to follow me, oceanalli, on instagram (although it is not required) and I will be happy to follow back. My personal goal for this challenge is to have 100 participants, so please share with your friends and encourage them to join in! And if you have an idea for a monthly theme, let me know.

Oh yes, one more thing… I will be choosing favorites over the course of the year AND all of the favorites selected will qualify for great prizes to be announced in December 2013. Just in time for the holidays! Great incentive to keep with it! The more pics you take, the more chances you have to be a favorite. Most importantly, have fun, let your pics tell us something about you and be sure to get to know some others that are taking the big green 365 challenge!

Let’s get started, shall we?


January 2013 inspiration
Theme: introduction


12 responses to “the big green 365 challenge

  1. inherchucks says:

    Love this! Can’t wait to participate 🙂

  2. I just found your brilliant blog! looking forward to follow you! xo Maria

  3. Heather says:

    I’m very excited to participate!

  4. […] Experiment.  I hope you will join me in capturing this new year with a photo a day.  Check out this post for more details.  And feel free to follow me on Instagram (@inherchucks) to keep up with the […]

  5. james gibson says:

    I’m on it I will back date the picture I’m missing but I’m excited , think ill even keep track of it on my blog brilliant idea can’t wait 🙂

  6. shana says:

    i want to participate and have been taking my photos but my phone is nt compatible with instagram is there another way to join in

    • Alli Ferraro says:

      Oh no Shana! I have based the challenge in Instagram, so really that is the best platform for everyone to view other photos entered in the challenge. Did you know that there is Instagram for PC? I’ve never used it personally, but it would be worth checking out. Maybe you could upload them there and still share with everyone else that’s participating? In the meantime, I’ll try to think of another way that we can incorporate your pics.

      Thanks for participating! We’ll figure something out. 😀


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